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GIVEAWAY DAY - 241 Totes


Today begins Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day... which actually lasts all week! You will find some amazing handcrafted items as well as crafting supplies, so what are you waiting for? Go check it out!

I am offering THREE FOUR 241 Totes. I really love making these bags (pattern) as well as using the one I made for myself. It's a cute design featuring 2 outside pockets, 2 inside pockets and a magnetic closure.

I am blown away by all of the kind comments I've received here... so I found a little time this week to whip up another 241 Tote for the giveaway!
Simply leave a comment telling me which of the bags that you'd like to win AND your favorite quilt pattern/tutorial. Only ONE comment per person please. MAKE SURE TO LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS (either through blogger or in your comment). If I can't contact you I will have to chose another winner. And I'd love it if you'd follow my blog!
Open to everyone - I will ship internationally!
Giveaway will close at 5 pm PST on Friday, May 25th.
Winners will be chosen randomly and posted here on my blog and emailed no later than May 27th.
Items will be shipped by June 1.

Psst... I am also giving away some fabric & I-Spy squares, too!


Chrissy said…
I love the Morning Glory tote. But all the bags are lovely. I'm not sure which my favourite quilt tutorial or pattern is as I don't have much experience. I am loving the one and only quilt pattern I bought though, which was written by Sew Much Ado and called Cirque D'Elephant. My poor new nephew is getting a rather late cot quilt to celebrate his birth in March!
The morning glory is my favourite as for my favourite quilt tutorial or pattern, I haven't quilted much but did like the Lawn Chair Quilt from Happy Zombie
Donna Joy said…
The crayon tote and reversible apron are my favorite tutorials. Your bags are wonderful, the morning glory is one favorite. My friend needs a bag with pockets for her camera lens.
I love wallflower! Also, my favorite pattern is the car bag at make it love it!

Hello from Minnesota! I love the Morning Glory tote the best but they are all colorful and lovely. I'm making a ton of granny square blocks from Blue Elephant stitch's tutorial.
Amber said…
Morning Glory is my favorite! A baby quilt pattern I've used a few times is the Charm Squares Baby Quilt pattern you can find on Sew Mama Sew from Elizabeth Hartman, I believe. It's simple, uses just one charm pack and is the perfect size.
Nydia Kehnle said…
morning glory is my favorite... My favorite pattern is for a girls dress... stella by violette fields.
sewVery said…
What a generous giveaway! I love this bag pattern, and my favorite fabric is the Morning Glory. I have never made a quilt, but I love V & Co.'s Houndstooth Quilt!
Fran said…
I love the Morning Glory bag. I have the pattern, but haven't tried it out yet. :( My favorite pattern is Anna's Gathered Clutch.
Brenis said…
Oh my goodness! About wet my pants when I saw your bags! LOL! I LOVE the wallflower one, and the morning glory one! It would be such a treat to carry a bag I didn't make myself! I definitely need to check out this 241 pattern! Favorite pattern - hard to say since I don't follow many patterns, i just sew whatever comes to mind! LOL But I did love the kaftan shirt pattern.. and wrap around skirt.. hmm.. i think by clearwater?
Lisa said…
I love the wall flower version! And what a great bag pattern! As for a fave pattern, I haven't done a ton of quilting, but I love this kissy fish baby quilt pattner:
Heidi Staples said…
They're all darling, but I think I'd have to choose the Morning Glory. I love the patterns in the Zakka Style handy for gifts! Thanks for sharing these great bags!!
stephmabry said…
I love the morning glory tote as well, though they're all lovely! I'm in love with the granny squares quilt pattern right now - just finished one quilt top, and am looking forward to making at least two more of them. :) Thanks for the chance to win!
KD-Quilts said…
What?! I have to choose a favorite! I think I guess the wallflower one is my favorite. And I love the Jeni B drawstring tote tutorial, made quite a few of those!
Faby said…
The Deco Rose bag. I love the fabric combination.
Katrina said…
It is so hard to choose! I think I would have to go with Wall Flower. I would typically gravitate toward Deco Rose, but think Wall Flower would be awesome for summer. So bright and cheery.
♥Duff said…
MOrning Glory--I love the pop of red! For quilt pattern, I 'd really love to make AMH's prism quilt.
Sarita said…
If I had to pick one, I'd pick the Deco Rose, but they're all fabulous!

My favorite quilt tutorial (I imagine it counts, even though it's not for a whole quilt) is the Heather Bailey continuous quilt binding tutorial. It's probably my single most-used tutorial - really easy, and looks great!

Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)

sarita0818 at comcast dot net
Unknown said…
I would choose the Morning Glory tote, and I don't have a fav quilt pattern becuase I don't really quilt!
moira said…
wow what a cool giveaway. I'm not usually a pink girl but the deco rose is really nice. Have you checked out Nova's pattern for nesting fabric bowls - it's brilliant
@pril said…
I really like all of them. I quilt and really don't follow patterns but like piece together blocks that I like.
@pril said…
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@pril said…
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Breanna S. said…
I love the wall flower pattern the most but would love to have any of the bags as your fabric choices are all gorgeous.
teachloveread at hotmail dot com
Christine said…
They are all lovely but the Deco Rose is my favourite.
I love your apron tutorial
Monica Grondin said…
I love the red ones the most, they are both amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!
Calikisses said…
The deco rose is so pretty! I'm a fan of all of Red Pepper Quilt patterns :)
Canadian Abroad said…
I love all three bags but it is nice to see some purple so I am going to choose Deco Rose as my favourite. I don't really use patterns so far in my quilting career accept for a couple of QALs so I guess my favourite would be my friend Sarah - Narcoleptic in a Cupboard - and her Stained QAL as the pattern worked with every fabric combination people threw at it.
Kimberly said…
I love both the Wallflower and Morning Glory, so beautiful. I adore the one you made yourself out of the JD. My favorite quilt pattern is called Yellow Brick Raod. It uses strip pricing and I can cut it out and get the top made in about a day. Fun and easy, just how I like it. :)
Thank you for the giveaway!
Tiffany said…
I'm loving the wall flower tote! Also, I've been wanting to try out Craft Gossip's diamonds mini quilt found here:

Thanks for the giveaway!
Develsaa said…
I would pick the Morning Glory tote, but they all look amazing! As for quilt pattern, Color-Shift Bargello looks.. challenging and beautiful :D
Michelle said…
I love the Wall Flower bag! I love crazy quilts and also rag quilts, but I'm not sure either of those count as a pattern! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Allison said…
I love the Wall Flower bag!

I don't quilt, I'm scared to try, but I am loving all the suggestions others are giving!
Genevieve P said…
Morning Glory is my favorite! I've actually never followed a pattern/tutorial completely--I just take an idea and figure it out myself. Which sometimes works splendidly, and sometimes makes rather nasty problems and wastes a lot of time...
krislovesfabric said…
Wallflower, definitely :) I have made several quilts of a pattern called Bento Box so I guess that's a favorite!
LOVE the deco rose tote. My favorite pattern are Keyka Lou/ Michelle patterns
I'd take any of them! They're great! I really like the binding tutorial by Red Pepper Quilts.
Steph said…
I love the wallflower! Morning Glory is my second pick. All very cute tho! I don't have a favorite quilt pattern since I am just starting, but I did use the Ohio star pattern once and it turned out nice.

Anonymous said…
Morning Glory for me I think! I am going to keep it simple and say I like the Granny Square block pattern that's been doing the rounds on the Internet recently.
Montessori Bee said…
They are all lovely but morning glory is my favorite. I like heather Bailey fresh cut tutorial. So pretty in so many different fabrics.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway
Melissa Palmer said…
I love the Morning Glory - beautiful!! I just found this online, and love it. Flannel rag quilt

Thanks for the giveaway!

melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com
smooze13 said…
I love the middle one, deco rose. I have only made 2 quilts so far, but I want to try a "plus sign" quilt next.
jruminski said…
Wallflower for me -but all beautiful!
I'm more of a garment girl - so the Sorbetto top has been my favorite lately.
MS said…
I love morning glory or wall flower! I am taking up the challenge of quilting soon so I don't yet have a favorite, but all yours look so beautiful! Great work, you must feel so great each time you finish one!
Darcy said…
I love all of the fabrics you chose, you'd have to pick for me :-)

I'm really liking Michelle's (of I like orange too blog) pretty pleated bag pattern right now. Lots of options, sews up quickly and is a great size. Thanks!
Laurel said…
oh gosh, i love them all. don't make me pick, don't make me pick!!! either of the outside ones, how's that?

my favorite quilt pattern right now has to be ruby, pearl and opal at the moda bakeshop.
Carla said…
I just love the Morning Glory bag, but they area all so pretty! My fav tut is one from Jaybird where she makes hexagons without Y seams.

cavjav at cox dot net
Jingle said…
I would love Wall Flower or Morning Glory! They are both fabulous!!! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
Totally LOVE these bags! Any of them would go with my clothing style and match my colors to a T! I really have NO experience sewing or quilting! LOL! One day maybe I'll learn, but sorry, no idea about patterns!
Erin said…
My favorite bag is the Morning Glory, so cute. I think my favorite tutorial is the zig zag quilt by Crazy Quilt Mom.
Bonnie said…
All of the bags are great, but if I have to pick I guess Morning Glory would be my favorite. I would not be unhappy with any of them. Right now my favorite pattern seems to be the disappearing 9 patch. Quick and easy to make.
Heather said…
I love all the Amy Butler fabric. Morning Glory is my favorite though. heather738(at)gmail(dot)com
Fiber Babble said…
I'm digging Wall Flower!

My current favorite tutorial is the duct tape no-sew tote over at instructibles. That may be influenced by the fact that I found Hello Kitty Duct Tape and am dying to use it in a very public way!
Pippa Parsons said…
I'd love any of them, they are all gorgeous :) I really like twister patterns and swoons
LethargicLass said…
I like them in the order they are, so Morning Glory first, etc.... I am just discovering a love of paper-pieceing, so any patterns for that I love :)
Jayme said…
I really really really want the wallflower bag!!!! I LOVE it! Thanks!
It's really hard to choose a favorite because you've picked fabrics that really work well together! I love the contrast on Morning Glory but I also love the focal fabric on Wall Flower. Hmm, I guess Morning Glory is my favorite, but only by a little. :) They all scream summer to me!

My favorite pattern right now is the Swoon pattern. It's so pretty.

Thank you for the giveaway!
megstring said…
I'd love morning glory! And I've only made one quilt...but I'm working on a Wicked Easy Quilt, which I found online!
Jessica said…
Morning Glory is my favorite! Um, I'm very slowly working on some Pinwheels in Houses blocks by Kaye Prince, so that's my current favorite. Thanks for the chance.
amelia said…
wall flower is my favorite, but i also like morning glory :)

I always enjoy anything log-cabin block inspired....
Barb Neiwert said…
Just signed up to follow your blog - sweet blog! My favorite bag is Morning Glory, but since my favorite color is read, I also like the Wallflower tote. The design is great!
Michelle Frame said…
I like the Wall flower the most but they are all beautiful. I don't really quilt so I don't have a favorite pattern. Would like to learn
Erika said…
All the bags look great but I think the Morning Glory bag is just a wee bit nicer. I don't quilt too much so I don't have a favorite pattern or tutorial. I've just done rag quilts so far and those are pretty self explanatory.
Anonymous said…
I love them all but I think I'd have to go with Morning glory..
I really might have to buy that pattern, I just keep seeing this bag pop up everywhere and everytime I tell myself that I should just buy the pattern and make it !

Thanks for the chance !
Anon said…
wall flower is my fave, but they're all wonderful!

i'm not big on following patterns, but i have used many pouch tutorials.

anniecbates at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
The morning glory is my favorite but they are all so beautiful! Not fair trying to make us pick just one!!My favorite quilt pattern is a disappearing nine patch.
Margie Bennett
Shirley said…
I like the deco rose. I haven't used this pattern but I hope to one day.
Kay said…
How beautiful, thank you for a fab giveaway. The morning glory is my favoutite. My favourite pattern at the minute is the dresden plate, I have even just made a tiny pincushion using it.
Wall Flower is the one I like the best. I'm not a quilter yet but love to sew bags and accesories. normasclay(at)yahoo(dot)com
Laura said…
I love the wallflower bag! I love any scrappy quilt patterns!
Lindsey said…
The morning glory purse is beautiful!!!
My favorite pattern...hmmm....I am still swooning over Swoon.
Amy said…
Wow! You're so generous. I'd be thrilled with any of the three but I like red a lot so my first choice would be Wall Flower or Morning Glory. My favorite quilt pattern is any spiderweb quilt, though currently I'm messing around with equilateral triangles for a quilt top and it's fun.
Sherri said…
Morning glory is my favorite, but so are the other two! Such a great design. I love all of the patterns and tutorials on Fresh Lemon Quilts, she is fab! carolinablue91 at msn dot com
Oh I think it is morning glory for me. Haven't got one of these bags so would be great to finally have one.
Jeanne said…
Love the morning glory tote! Just starting into sewing!
Heather said…
I love all of them! I guess Morning Glory is my favorite, but I love them all! I'm loving the Twist quilts at the moment...but my fav is always changing!
Marcia R said…
Oh my, they're all beautiful. If I must choose...Morning Glory. I'll have to try that bag pattern. I keep seeing it in the blogosphere.
Lynne in NC said…
I thought choosing my favorite among your gorgeous bags, ... Wall Flower? Choosing which tutorial is my fav? -- even harder! But, the crayon tote is still my all time favorite. Thanks for sharing your tutes and for the give away. lynnekerr7(at)gmail(dot)com.
Jo said…
I think Morning Glory is my fav but it is running neck and neck with Wall Flower I would say my favorite block is the super nova one
Sasha said…
I love the morning glory bag!
I'm just finishing a quilt using Bijou Lovelys pattern, it comes together really quick and really is fat quarter friendly, who doesn't have a few of those lying about?!
Heather D. said…
I love the morning glory bag. Thanks for the giveaway.

Favourite quilt pattern has to be Swoon. I don't know if I'd make a second one, but the one I made is my fave project finished so far.
Ella said…
Love Wall Flower. My favorite recent quilt finish was the Cosmic Burst QAL on Distant Pickles.
I love wallflower, my fav pattern at the moment is the zipper pouch from noodlehead
I really like the morning glory pattern. And I don't quilt. But I like the looks of Zig Zag/Chevron quilts.
menduca said…
I love the wallflower!
And need to buy this 241 pattern!
Anonymous said…
Wallflower is my favorite, and Morning Glory is a close second! Seriously loving the "Rhonda's Quilt" that you recently made for your step-mom. I think it's my new favorite pattern.

handmadebytracie (at) gmail (dot) com
Hey there! I would love to win the Morning Glory! It would make a very stylish diaper bag! ^_^
Kadybug said…
Cute! Morning Glory, but it was super hard to choose. My favorite quilt pattern currently is the "Interlocking Friendship Stars".
Valerie said…
Oh I love wallflower (but morning glory is a close second!)
Libby said…
All cute, but I love the wall flower bag best.

I don't quilt, so I don't have a favorite pattern - sorry.
felicity said…
Thanks for the lovely giveaway! I love Morning Glory best, but they're all three beautiful. My favourite tutorial is poppyprint's crop circles tutorial for making circles using fusible interfacing.
Debra said…
I would choose the Morning Glory, love its big bright pattern.
I am currently making the Anna Maria Horner Prism quilt....has to be the best EVER...thank you for the giveaway
Michell said…
Thanks for the giveaway. Love them all but Deco Rose is the fav
Kirsten said…
Love your 241 totes - I really love the Morning glory one!
Taslim said…
The wallflower bag is my favorite, so cheery! My favorite pattern right now is swoon - going to tackle that soon!
Vivian said…
Hi there!! Wow, those bags are fabulous. Thank you for the chance.

I like the Deco Rose.

I'm not up on tutorials, I don't get that much time online, however there is a quilt that I discovered that I just have to's called Made in Cherry by Sarah Fielke. It seems everyone is doing it but me!!!
Ebeth said…
They really are all beautiful...Sophie's choice (you know, without the threat of death or anything :) I'd probably pick wall flower.

I'm a little newer to quilting to 99 Modern Blocks is guiding me through my learning experience right now. Love it! (Oh, and the BOM class on Craftsy - because learning by video works for me.)

lwghosts at yahoo dot com
Catherine said…
I would be happy to carry any of them. Seriously. I can't make up my mind!

As far as patterns, I just got Amy Sue by For the Love Designs on Etsy.
Charlotte said…
Thank you so much for the chance to win. I really love the Wall Flower bag. And your reversible half apron tutorial looks awesome and really easy to follow.
Quilt Genius said…
I really like the one on the right...with the blue and red. So pretty!!

Jane S. said…
Such cute bags! I like the Wall Flower tote.

My favorite quilt pattern is Yellow Brick Road. The finished item is structured enough to provide for good results, but it is still random enough to satisfy my need to feel creative. :)
Joanna said…
The morning glory is quite lovely! I don't have any quilting experience and I've only made one tote, but I'm very very fond of that one tote! So I'd have to say my fav tote pattern is

This is the one I made...

joanna @
Nanbon44 said…
Love the Wall flower bag and my favorite pattern is one I design on EQ7...
andrea porter said…
The wall flower is my favorite! They are all super cute. I am not much of a sewer yet, but I like the 241 tote pattern that these bags are made from. It would be wonderful to make my own!

Joy said…
I like the wall flower bag. I just used a tutorial today for a changing pad cover, and it worked very well!
Deanna said…
I LOVE the Morning Glory bag! I have loved that print for a long time and that bag is gorgeous.
EngrSandi said…
I love the Deco Rose bag. I have looked at this purse pattern but haven't gotten around to ordering or making it yet. thanks for the great giveaway!
Brenda said…
Morning Glory is my favorite bag.
Brenda said…
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Sue said…
Hard to choose just one, but I guess the Deco Rose is my fave. I don't have just one favorite quilt pattern. Too many pretty ones out there!

majorasue at hotmail dot com
wilai said…
Morning glory bag. Bradyn quilt. Thx
Wcharp6739 at att dot net
Jen said…
I like the Morning Glory bag, but the Deco Rose is a close second! I don't have a lot of quilt patterns, but I just made a cute baby quilt from Elizabeth Hartman's free Charm Square Baby Quilt pattern.
Addibrae said…
I'd like to win the Deco Rose bag. I like Dresden Plate quilt patterns.
I would choose Deco Rose.
My favourite pattern would be the crayon tote. Great idea
Michelle J. said…
I love the Wallflower one! As far as tutorials go, I have no idea as I've never actually used my sewing machine!
The Thompsons said…
All 3 are beautiful! I don't have a favorite tutorial or pattern- probably because I rarely make the same thing twice. I'm always trying a new tutorial. :)
Anonymous said…
so hard to choose one. I would have to pick Deco Rose, though. The crayon tote is my fav. tutorial.
Olivia said…
Wall Flower! I'm so in love with the coral color right now. My favorite quilt pattern is Dottie by Cluck Cluck Sew.
Misformilk said…
I love the Morning Glory tote! I really like simple patchwork quilts best... just squares!
Thanks for the beautiful giveaway. My favourite quilt pattern is bear paw, though I haven't made one yet. I love both the Deco Rose and Morning Glory bags.
Kess said…
They are all really cute, but I think I would have to pick the Wallflower bag. I love the outside pockets; they seem so useful and are never on other bags.
Thanks for the giveaways!
Shannon said…
I love this pattern and I really like the Morning Glory tote. I don't follow quilt patterns too much anymore, but I love Julie's patterns at Jaybird Quilts. Thank you for the giveaway!
Leanna said…
Love the Morning Glory, but seriously all are super cute. I found a flag bunting baby quilt on Pinterest that I really want to try!
Jocelyn said…
Wow this is really hard to choose. They are all beautiful. I like the Morning Glory, but truthfully they are all great! Thanks!
Unknown said…
I love that Deco Rose! I didn't realize you were so crafty! :)
Jenniffier said…
How fun. Morning glory is my fav. Wildthing by Thimble blossoms
Anonymous said…
The deco rose was the first to catch my eye,

I am psyching myself up to try a cathedral window quilt because I have loved the pattern for so long!!
vanaehsa said…
I love all three of them! But my favourite would maybe be the Wallflower! My favourite quilt pattern that i have in my to-do list is the single girl quilt.
Anonymous said…
Oh, they are all so nice! I would probably choose the Deco Rose. I really like the string quilt tute on Film In The Fridge.
MC said…
Great bags! I especially like the Morning Glory.
Currently I'm trying out improv quilt piecing techniques and the Bumble Beans Waverunner tutorial is very cool!
Pile O Fabric said…
I like Deco Rose. And I love Emily Cier's Retro Pattern, I just bought it hoping to make it soon. Thank's for the giveaway!
Shayla Sharp said…
Deco Rose or Morning Glory. I like the Frosted Pumpkin travel hoop zip bag pattern.
amye said…
i love the wallflower and my favorite pattern right now is the pow wow quilt pattern by cluck cluck sew.
Anne said…
I love the deco rose bag! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I have only made one very simple quilt, but this tutorial was very helpful:
Ginny said…
They are all gorgeous! I love Morning Glory with Wallflower nipping at it's tail. Any of Elizabeth Hartmans Tutorials or Crazy Mom Quilts work for me~!
Dani said…
I like the Deco Rose Tote. My favorite quilt pattern is the Pine Burr
Angie said…
I'm a fan of "morning glory." I've been meaning to put together some of these totes for myself, but haven't gotten around to it.
Anonymous said…
I can't decide! I love the pink one, btu I think my favorite one is the blue one!!

imfeelincrafty at gmail dot com
Shana Putnam said…
i love the deco rose one best. my favorite quilt pattern is the double wedding ring.
I'd love to win all of them, though the aqua/red bag is probably the one colour combination I don't yet own in bags.

And the pattern I like most is Amy Butler's Nigella quilt.
jackie said…
I would love any of the three but especially the wallflower or morning glory. On quilt pattern that I really wantbtobtry is a log cabin !
Aletta said…
All three bags are cute, but the Deco Rose is my favorite! My favorite pattern right now is Little ones by Camille Roskelley.
Louisa said…
My favorite in order is wall flower and then morning glory. My favorite tutorials have been the zipper pouches - though I don't have a link - I tend to just read them and then modify them. Favorite hint is to use double sided wash away tape for them.
Mhairi said…
I love the Morning Glory one. My favourite tutorial is the machine binding for small projects.
Digital Misfit said…
I love all 3, but Wallflower is my fave. I am always drawn to that particular fabric.

I have so many favorite tutorials right now. I am not a quilter, so I am lacking in that arena. I do love the Sis Boom clothing patterns, and so many baby clothes patterns found on Etsy. The Reece Peasant Dress by pinkpoodlebows is one of my faves.
Teresa said…
The one in the middle is my favourite. I've got hooked on a Thread Holder tutorial I saw on Flickr, can't stop making them.
Sarah said…
Deco Rose and morning glory are both gorgeous. I don't have a favourite quilt pattern, I'm not a quilter!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sadie said…
Hi there :-) Beautiful bags! My favourite is the wallflower, but honestly, I'd be a happy camper if I was luck to win any one of them :-)
My favourite block at the moment is the swoon! Love it!
Thanks for the chance to win x
trillium said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
trillium said…
I like the bag with the big grey leaves the best.

My current favorite pattern is terry Aitkinson's Yellow Brick Road pattern, especially when made in Kaffee Fassett fabrics.

trilliumcreates AT gmail DOT com
Joy said…
Oooh, I love Morning Glory!

My favorite quilt pattern is an attic window. LOVE!
Leslie said…
i would love to win the morning glory bag...

and my favorite tutorial off the top of my head is the wonky star by silly boo dilly.

thanks for the chance to win
Anonymous said…
You did a great job with those bags! Lovely. I would take the first or last...just don't have pink in my wardrobe much....thank you for a chance to win.
Karen M said…
I would be thrilled to win any of these bags. Each is so cute. So let the other two winners make their choice, and I will take whichever one is left. How's that for confidence? Thanks for the chance.
Love Morning Glory and Wall Flower. Love.
As for quilts, I've yet to make my own yet. But I love V & Co.'s Houndstooth pattern.

Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Jennie P. said…
They are all so pretty! I think I like the purple one best, then the one with alot of red second. I don't have a favorite pattern. I don't sew much from patterns.
Karen said…
The deco rose is my favorite. I love pink!
Njeri said…
I love the one in the middle.
Kathryn said…
I like the deco rose tote. I don't sew much from patterns anymore, so I don't have a favorite one.
Liz DandeliondD said…
Morning glory is my favourite.
I love the Noodlehead runaround bag pattern too
Lovely bags, hard to choose but if pushed it would be the morning glory one. My favourite quilt tut is tube quilting from Missouri Quilt Company x
Amy said…
The morning glory tote is gorgeous! I'm new to quilting (though not sewing)so I don't have any particular favorite tutorial... looks like there are some good ideas here, though!
Carmen said…
Oooh, I love deco rose the best! Thanks so much for the giveaway. As for patterns, I guess my favourite might still be Oh, Fransson's mixtape one. Classic, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks again!
Memories By Me said…
Oh to choose just doesn't sound nice but I am a purple lover and so I gotta go with Deco Rose :-) Your bags are wonderful, thank you for a chance to win !!!

I am really loving the swoon patterns right now :-)

Thanks so much!! I love reading your blog!! It is SO inspirational!
Tiffany said…
Morning Glory - and I do love the swoon pattern also. I have yet to make it though, just love seeing others post it!
Amanda K said…
I love the Deco Rose!
Laurel09 said…
Your Morning Glory bag is so pretty. That said, though, I love your fabric choices on all of them. I have not made the 251 tote yet, but eventually I'm going to have to try it. I really like the design!
Shannon said…
morning glory catches my eye--I like this quilt tute---
Trish said…
I like the morning glory one. I've used so many different zipper pouch tutorials, now I just do it on my own.
Maureen said…
Love the Wall Flower bag. Favorite Pattern is Baby Life Quilt on Moda Bakeshop.
Heather said…
I really want this. I mean, really really! I love them all, but I'll choose the wallflower.

Love this project right now!
Farscapegirl said…
Deco Rose is my first pick! But they are all gorgeous!
JanetK said…
I love Noodlehead patterns! But I haven't bought this one yet - fave that I come back to over and over is the ruffled clutch tutorial.

It would be hard to choose one of these - I think Deco Rose, but keep changing back and forth with Morning Glory! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Renee said…
I love the deco rose bag. My favorite pattern is Amy Butler Frenchy Bags.
Alyssa said…
Gosh, if I have to pick one, I'd pick the deco rose. So lovely! I've recently made a buttercup bag from a free pattern... simple and sweet.
principeta said…
My favorite is Deco Rose,thanks for the chance to win it.for the patterns I like everything Amy Butler.
Morning Glory is to die for!! These are terrific!! I used an Oh Fransson pattern/QAL pattern called MOD Sampler which was great. I'd make it again.
Anonymous said…
Deco Rose

I don't sew much but loved making a t-shirt quilt.
rierie11booger (@)
Cliodana said…
wow love those bag. the deco rose have my vote! my favorite pattern is the dresen plate thank's for the giveaway this is beautiful
Georgia said…
Morning Glory is my favorite, but I like them all! :)
My favorite pattern is the Abby Tote from V & Co! Okay, I haven't made it yet, but I just got the pattern and am SO excited!
peachstateme (at) hotmail (dot) com
JLinnet said…
Wall flower or morning glory are both very nice. I like the simple patterns of all squares, not only because they're simple but also very nice with all the different colors/patterns right beside each other.
mhchong said…
Love morning glory, but all are nice... I'd be happy to win any! I have not made a quilt, but love all the suggestions given here.
Unknown said…
love morning glory and wall flower, because those are my colors and I am actually making full length curtains with about 7 yards of morning glory!
Katrin said…
I say Morning glory and swoon quilt. Thanks!
Susan C. said…
I'm in love with that Morning Glory tote! As for quilts, my fave pattern is the easy bake pattern from cluck cluck sew.
Laura said…
I like the one on the far left best!

I have only made 2 quilts and I didn't use a pattern for either, but I do love Amy Buttlers Birddie Sling pattern, if that counts. :)

Thanks for the chance to win!
Liz said…
All cute, but I like Deco Rose best! My fav quilt pattern is Chopsticks.
Jeana said…
oh I love them all - but I guess for a favorite I'll pick Wall Flower. I like disappearing nine patch quilt patterns best!
SewTara said…
I love wallflower! I love any bag/purse/tote, I'm an addict.

I also love making any bag/purse/tote, I'm a big fan of Michelle Patterns :)
brandi said…
i love morning glory! and my favorite quilt pattern (so far) is the crazy squares pattern i found somewhere online.
walklet said…
I love the bag in the middle! I don't really have a favorite pattern most I make random patch quilts.
Lisa C in GA. said…
I love them all, but if I have to choose one, I'd pick the Morning Glory :) My fave pattern is the Circle of Flying Geese from Sometime Crafter
Margaret said…
I'd choose the Wall Flower bag, given the chance. :-) I love Denyse Schmidt's Single Girl quilt pattern. It's not the easiest quilt in the world, but the end result is fabulous.
I love the deco rose bag. SO pretty!

My favorite tutorial is over at the plaid scottie for the box pouch. I love all the pictures!
Meghan said…
Wall Flower has me swooning!!! My favorite tutorial is Wonky Stars by Silly BooDilly My favorite pattern right now has to be Sparkling Cider for a quilt!!
mab said…
Beautiful totes! I think I'd choose Morning Glory if I won. As for quilting patterns, I really don't buy very many. There's so many fabulous ones for free online & I usually end up winging it anyway. :) Thanks for the chance to enter!
Nancy L said…
I love the Wall Flower version of the bag. I've always loved Zakka style and I would love to get my hands on the new book out and try many of those patterns in the book.
Mermaid Sews said…
Morning Glory is my fav, but they are all wonderful, what a great giveaway. Am new to quilting, so far my favorite pattern is random patchwork
Ms. Cook said…
My favorite bag is the Deco Rose one, it is just lovely! I don't really have a favorite patteren I make up things as I go along. Thanks For the great giveaway!!
Rebekah B. said…
Decisions, decisions. Why do you have to make it so hard?! LOVE them all. Guess I'd have to go with either the Wall Flower or Morning Glory... surprise me!

Here's to hoping I win!!!

inthegrove5 *at* gmail *dot* com
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